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Daily Archives: April 7th, 2008

Andreas Roseneder   il palloncino trasparente   watercolour dichromatic on Ecus Sistina

in the morning I saw spring attracting the earth down under me & covering the land with gentle beauty & new transparent uncoloured ballons were coming up from there. as I wanted to paint them like blossoms in the air, the trickster appeared again, set the falcon free & divided with his long tongue the entire balloon of woman & fox into two pieces: so both immediately rolled headlong in their own transparent one & floated up with the others into the spheres.


compare: the indigo ballon is changing now a bit. today I am more reckless in shifting changes. every stroke on the paper has to fit at the moment, indigo colours the paper instantly deep & irreversible. the brilliant technique in watercolours wards off “cheating”.